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Clean Cut Franchise
01273 434408

Pros and Cons

opposites-489521_960_720The Pros an Cons of running a franchise are often hidden by the smoke and mirror tactic of those trying to see them.

So here we have prepared a list for you of all the pros and cons as we see it.




First the Pros:

  • You make more money than you could dream of making in employment
  • You get Twelve weeks holiday.
  • You get all the benefits of running your own business but with the security of a large support network behind you.
  • The results are proven, this is not made up stuff, it works and has done for years.
  • Despite the franchisee fee your costs over the first two years will be lower than if you tried to do it on your own.
  • In addition to the franchise support team there is a network of existing franchisees to tap into for tips and support.
  • No more feeling unappreciated.
  • No more being underpaid.
  • No more same old routine.
  • No more missing those precious family moments.
  • The pride you get from growing and successfully running your own business.
  • The risk of business failure is reduced by franchising.
  • Your business is based on a proven idea.
  • You don’t have to wonder ‘will this sell’ its a proven system you know it will.
  • You are buying a recognized brand, you already have a head start.
  • You get support –  training, business set up, and the manual or ‘business in a box’ everything you need to be successful.
  • You don’t need experience, the model is based on getting the training to benefit from the experience of others.
  • The business will look bigger than it is because you are part of a network.
  • You get exclusive rights in your territory. So you essentially don’t have to worry about competition.
  • Financing the business is easy. The banks know us and our track record.
  • Most importantly unlike 100,000’s of people you will have done a great thing, decided to make your life better and done something about it.

Now the Cons:

  • How on earth are you going to spend all that money.
  • You might get bored with all that time off.
  • You will have to spend time with your friends and family.
  • You might have to drive a nice car.
  • You might have to get a bigger house.
  • Your friends won’t recognize the new happier you.
  • You will spend a fortune on sun cream because of all the holidays.


So we admit the cons are a tad tongue in cheek, but we are sure you get the message and the truth is if you want to run your own business, want to be sure of success and don’t mind following a proven system then there really aren’t that many.

So why not come and see us for a coffee and find out if we are right for you, you’ve just read a massive list of reasons why you should…..

Before you leave…

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