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Clean Cut Franchise
01273 434408

All the help you need

A4B_0016So we do not want them to get big headed or carried away but we are massive believers in getting the right advice here at Clean Cut.

That’s why we have recruited the best talent to support our franchisee’s.

That is why we have for the last 10 years used the services of our very own Business Adviser in the shape of Gary Maskell. We passed our tenth anniversary in December and are looking forward to year eleven and beyond .

A business man all his life Gary has worked with over 150 different businesses in his time as a consultant and his depth and breadth of knowledge has helped us get where we are today.

Now Gary spends his time making sure all of our franchisees achieve their goals and they all have direct access to him every week 52 weeks of the year.

In addition because Gary monitors the teams businesses from afar they can be sure that if he spots a problem they will hear from him, not just with the problem, but the solution.


Then there is David our resident Sales coach who has been on the team for a similar amount of time.

David has a proven track record of sales performance and has run a successful sales training business for over a decade.

Dave calls the franchisees every month offering his many many years (no comment on your age David) Of sale’s experience. Once again all franchisees have direct access to David and his support and his hints and tips have earnt the Clean Cut network £000’s down the years.

And so he doesn’t sulk we have to mention the unwavering support and advice from Simon our founder who has forgotten more about the gardening business than we will ever know and is the engine room of our organisation. Simon is in regular contact and is always available when you need him. He can often be found cruising up the motorway to offer his support to a franchisee ( Seen here on the left tucking into a meal with Vittorio)

Simon is single-minded in his goal, which is your success!

How many other franchises can provide  support this good we wonder?

Keep up the good work guys.

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