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Clean Cut Franchise
01273 434408

Success Guaranteed

tape-measure-1186496_960_720We measure everything!

How long jobs take.

Our sale values.

Our profit.

Our costs.

Our inquiry to sale conversion rate.

You name it we measure it and because we use state of the art software to run our franchise, we do it without much effort. That is how we can be so confident that every single franchise we open will be profitable. It’s as close to buying your own cash machine as you are ever going to get!

We also measure lead generation which is great because we know why every single inquiry we get has called us and where they heard about us.

Why is this important?

Well for one thing it means we never waste money on unsuccessful marketing because we only do things that work. And for another reason it allows us to build marketing plans that work for our growing army of gardening entrepreneurs.

For example we can tell you that just by creating, running and updating the Clean Cut gardening website and social media the Clean Cut way, every Franchisee gets an average of £10,000 of business each year.

And that’s just one of the lead generation methods we use to guarantee you get the sales you need to build a profitable sustainable business under the Clean Cut banner.

Want to know the rest of our measurements?

Then come and meet us for a coffee, call us or request a zoom meeting and we will reveal all……


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