It’s ringing off the hook
So if you have been reading our updates for a while you will know that here at Clean Cut we are very particular. Especially when it comes to measuring results.
So you will not be surprised to hear that we even measure how many phone calls we get and boy do we get a few!
You see every inquiry we get is logged by our back office team so that every franchisee knows exactly who has called and more importantly where the lead has come from.
So what does this data tell us?
It tells us our phone is ringing off the hook! In fact in 2016 we took 4448 calls, that’s an increase of 25% year on year.
The even better news for our franchisees is that they don’t even have to answer these calls, our call center does it for them so that they can deal with the inquiry at a time that is convenient to them and never, ever miss a lead.
So not only are we good at making the phone ring we are also good at turning it into cash too……
Happy days…..